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Filtrum / Useful Materials / Sorbents

Sorbents - what are they?


  1. Way the sorbents perform?
  2. When are sorbents used?
  3. Who is contraindicated with sorbents?
  4. Sorbents against poisoning
  5. Sorbents for purifying bowel
  6. Sorbents against allergic reactions
  7. Sorbents for children
  8. Natural sorbents
  9. Sorbents: benefit and harm

Sorbents are substances helping remove various toxins from the body. Sorbents can be of natural or synthetic origin.

Sorbents include enterosorbents, i.e. absorbing substances acting only in the gastrointestinal tract and binding toxins. They do not interact with gastric and other juices and leave body in natural way. This lets body get rid of toxic (poisonous) substances quickly and effectively.

Filtrum is a natural enterosorbent that binds and removes alcohol, allergens, pathogenic bacteria and bacterial toxins, drugs, poisons, salts of heavy metals from the body.

Way the sorbents perform?

The enterosorbents have a direct and mediated therapeutic effect.

These preparations:catch poisons and foreign bodies coming from the external environment;

  • keep on their surface digestive products formed in the intestine;
  • adsorb microbial cells and toxins they release;
  • bind gases formed during fermentation or putrefaction;
  • purify digestive juices that are released into the lumen of the intestine and contain many toxins;
  • mechanically irritate sensitive areas of the intestinal wall and strengthen peristalsis;
  • stimulate recovering normal consistency of intestinal contents;
  • lead to transforming highly toxic substances into neutral compounds.

Acting sorbent is accompanied by the following curative effects:

  • weakening severity of allergic reactions and poisoning;
  • reducing liver load, the main detoxification organ;
  • restoration of normal intestinal microflora;
  • stimulation of damaged mucous membrane restoration;
  • elimination of bloating;
  • improved intestinal blood supply;
  • normalization of water-salt metabolism.

When are sorbents used?

First of all, sorbents are prescribed against food, medication or industrial poisoning.

When are sorbents used?

In addition, drugs containing sorbents are used when:

  • gastric juice features high acidity;
  • flatulence;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • autoimmune diseases, incl. oncology.

Important! Sorbents must be taken separately from other medications, and the time between the reception should be at least two hours. If this rule is not observed, the therapeutic effect of taking sorbents extremely lowers and absorption of medications taken simultaneously with them gets disturbed.

Sorbents are beneficial if you overdrank alcohol. When alcohol poisoning attacks body, a large amount of alcohol degradation products occur, because of which a person experiences unpleasant hangover symptoms. The enterosorbents will help in this case.

Sorbents are also effective when treating diseases caused by parasites like worms, lamblia or salmonella.

Finally, sorbents improves immunity.

Physicians advise to conduct short courses of prevention using sorbents several times a year.

If you take sorbents as the main means of treatment, you should simultaneously take probiotics, vitamin-mineral complexes. The doctor prescribes you a concrete treatment.

Who is contraindicated with sorbents?

Preparations containing sorbents can not be taken in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance;
  • peptic ulcer of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum;
  • bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • intestinal obstruction

Sorbents against poisoning

Sorbents against poisoning

If you have suffered from poisoning, then release the body from toxic substances quickly. This ailment can attack everyone, so have sorbent preparations at hand always and in the medicine chest. When choosing a medicine, pay attention to the its action features like:

  1. pronounced sorption (absorbing) ability.
  2. safe application: sorbents must not enter bloodstream be quickly removed from the body.

Sorbents for purifying bowel

Sorbents for purifying bowel

Intoxication of the intestine is manifested by such symptoms as fetid smell from the mouth, increased sweating, rash, existing white fur on the tongue, nausea, vomiting, bloating, flatulence.

Important! Sorbents should be taken one hour before meals or one hour after. Situations when removing toxins from the digestive tract is an urgent action, are exceptions. In this case, the sorbent should be taken 20 minutes before meals or immediately after you have felt the symptoms of poisoning.

Sorbents against allergic reactions

If you are diagnosed with an "allergy", the doctor recommends a diet developed special for you meaning gradually adding concrete products to the diet causing allergic reaction. If the body rejects the allergen again, the doctor changes the diet.

The doctor can prescribe a sorbent as a component of complex treatment, along with antihistamines if a person suffers from allergy. Pronounced allergic reactions are treated in the hospital, where the patient is prescribed antihistamines, anti-inflammatory drugs, hormonal medications.

Sorbents for children

Sorbents are also applied to purify baby's body only by the doctor's prescription.

Not all medicines containing sorbents are suitable for children. Filtrum is one among developed for under one year old babies.

Sorbents for children

"Filtrum" is prescribed against poisoning and infected intestine like salmonellosis or dysentery. The tablets are ground to a powder before using. Babies up to a year old should be given half a tablet in one go, children from 1 to 7 years old- one tablet in one go. Adults take 1-2 tablets in one go. The number of receptions per day is no more than four.

Sorbents are also used against allergic reactions in children, because they help to rid of allergen. In this case, the signs for admnistration in children coincide with those for adults.

Important: Before application, read the instructions or consult your doctor

Natural sorbents

Natural sorbents

Medicinal preparations contain sorbents of natural and synthetic origin. Natural sorbents can also be used at once. Most often, sorbents of natural origin are found in plants. So, for example, pectins fatures high absorbing power, the fibers of which swell when entering digestive tract and releasing gel-like substance. Pectins allow person to remove excess water, as well as heavy metals (mercury, lead and strontium), bind excess cholesterol in the intestines that helps attack atherosclerosis.

Pectins are found in seaweed, apples, citrus fruits, raspberries, strawberries. They are also rich in cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal) and some vegetables, including beets, carrots and cabbage.

A number of other natural sorbents featuring pronounced therapeutic properties is also known:

  1. Vegetable fiber is allowed for long-term use.
  2. Chitin helps to purify body of cholesterol and fatty acids. This sorbent is often recommended for those following diet, suffering from diabetes and atherosclerosis, as well as those planning to participate in a big feast.
  3. Cellulose helps lower cholesterol and sugar level, lose excess weight. It stimulates growing beneficial microorganisms in the intestines and improves digestion. If administered long, the person gets accustomed to cellulose, so the dosage is gradually increased. Remember that cellulose and chitin can only be taken separately from each other.

Sorbents: benefit and harm

Keep in mind that sorbents carry not only benefits, but also certain harm. Together with toxins, they remove useful substances from the body too. If the disease is severe, this side effect is much less important than the real benefits sorbents make.

Summarizing, we can say that sorbents help body get rid of accumulated toxins, allergens and other harmful substances more efficiently.